  • € 15.30

  • € 16.99

GrammaticAvanzata is addressed to adult and adolescent foreign students of B2-C2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The volume follows an approach based on communication, aiming to help students develop all necessary skills to single out, from a number of available expressive forms, the ones they need to properly express themselves. Through reflection and inductive strategies, students are led to discover for themselves several language forms and their usage in gradually more complex structures.

The language used in GrammaticAvanzata is simple and avoids to use technical terms, resulting in being quite transparent and accessible. Moreover, the 'box informativi' help students either to delve into certain aspects of the language or to eliminate possible doubts about it.

GrammaticAvanzata is divided into 17 units and 4 tests organized into four sections:

- Complete the meaning of a phrase

- Express cause and effect clauses

- Express time and manner clauses

- Express other clauses  

Each chapter provides numerous exercises of different types referring to specific sections, aiming at enabling students to practically apply what they have already learnt. Certain terms and expressions are revisited in the 'box infolingua' in order to help students focus on a pragmatic usage of the language. Keys to all exercises are given in the appendix.

To see a preview click here.

The code gives 30 hours of access* for 18 months to the units of the book and several tools available for the students (interactive grammar, glossaries, notes, etc.).

Moreover, the hours can be used to access the Class page that contains learning resources (test, games, blogs, etc.) created by the teacher or the school, and tests and interactive games created by Edilingua.

* Each time the student logs in, a timer records the time that passes by. To avoid consuming unnecessary time, the timer stops automatically after few minutes of inactivity!
