  • € 11.00

  • € 12.90

Storia italiana per stranieri is not merely a sterile list of events and dates, but rather aims to get students reflecting on why historical events took one course instead of another. A book, therefore, that aims to be a guidebook to understand the Italy and Italians of the 21st century in light of the past 2500 years.

The volume is divided into nine chapters, nine modules, each of which introduces a certain historical period. The events, dates, names, wars and battles are all organised along a timeline, every two pages, so that students have a constant map of history to hand.

To help students further, each sub-chapter presents the file Le parole della storia (Words of History) which lists and explains in a clear and simple way some of the specific terms that are closely linked to and used in the period in question. On the final pages of the volume you can also consult the Glossary Index where you will find a list of these words in alphabetical order.

To see a preview click here.

License Duration:

The code gives 30 hours of access* for 18 months to the units of the book and several tools available for the students (interactive grammar, glossaries, notes, etc.).

Moreover, the hours can be used to access the Class page that contains learning resources (test, games, blogs, etc.) created by the teacher or the school, and tests and interactive games created by Edilingua.

* Each time the student logs in, a timer records the time that passes by. To avoid consuming unnecessary time, the timer stops automatically after few minutes of inactivity!
